
Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's Been a 3-Juice Kinda Day

I squeezed me some beets today.  Gotta say, I still hate them.  I guess in moderation they can be ok.  This recipe that I used called for 1/4 of a beet.  Doesn't sound like much.  I doubled the recipe to take some to work with me.  So.. I put in 1/2 a beet, right?  The juice itself isn't terrible at all... I just have some sort of taste-memory defunct toward beets.  I got this recipe from my new book (which is awesome by the way) called "The Big Book of Juices" by Natalie Savona (see link at left- sorry guys, I got the last one on Amazon).  Page 262: the Carrot Cleanser

  • 3 carrots
  • 1/2 apple
  • 1/2 orange
  • 1/4 beet
  • 1 celery
  • 2 large kale leaves

Keep in mind, I doubled this recipe, so it was more like 6 carrots, 1 apple... etc.  After doubling, I kid you not, I had 32 ounces of juice!  When you are actually juicing (which I haven't officially started yet), that is half of your daily intake.  Whew!  Too bad I hate beets.

For lunch, I decided to cleanse my palate of the beet yucky and make something called Cucumber Refresher (page 163 of above book)

  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 pears
Simple, no?  I added a dime of fresh ginger root to spice it up.  Very tasty.  I think this one helped me get the taste of red death out of my mouth.  Plus, I took it with me in a traveler mug, so I was smelling it at work and it smelled nice.

When I got home, the husband was all kinds of excited to make our next batch of juice that he already had our machine put together and ready.  I picked another pretty simple recipe that turned out amazing as well, called Apple Zing (page 80 of above mentioned book)

  • 3 apples
  • 2 carrots
  • dime slice of ginger
  • 1 cup cranberries (my modification)
Have I mentioned that I love ginger?  and cranberries?  no?  Well, I do.  The actual picture is the Cran-Apple picture, but it was the same color so I didn't waste my time.

So far, I've had roughly more than 32 ounces of juice (I didn't drink all of the beet juice, about 8 oz is still chilling in the fridge).  I had a cup of coffee with cream at breakfast, a few pieces of chocolate at work, a granola bar, and a piece of bread with cheese on it.  I'm about ready to go make myself something to eat now, but it won't be much.  I have to admit, I do get hungry despite the juice.  Juice fasting is what it is, a fast.  Fortunately I like it, and surprisingly my sweet craving have been curbed a tad.  I did have chocolate at work, but not nearly as much as I normally do...